J4G combines a multi-user version of notebooks with Gamma Ray Astronomy tools. It provides remote single-user Jupyter notebooks and it is integrated with the INAF-CTA Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (INAF-CTA AAI). It makes available user data by deploying Jupyter Notebooks in user space close to user’s data thanks to an integrated cloud data service environment (based on owncloud). J4G is a user-friendly and reproducible computing in HPC/HTC environments.
- Jupyter Notebook Service: https://j4g.oact.inaf.it
- Dedicated cloud service: https://j4g.oact.inaf.it/owncloud/
- J4G Help Desk: j4g-helpdesk@oact.inaf.it
J4G is currently in pilot development stage and will be proposed for the CTA project. Furthermore, it will be customized under a user-driven approach within the Astri/CTA Data Challenge project. Current setup packages include: GammaLib, ctools (1.5.0) and Gammapy.
- Obelics Webinar Feb. 2018: https://indico.astron.nl/conferenceDisplay.py?ovw=True&confId=153
- A. Costa et al. Science Gateway: INAF science gateway and A&A prototype
- La Palma CTA Consortium Meeting November 2017 https://indico.cta-observatory.org/event/1362/sessions/2215/#20171106
Jupyter allows only single-user access and usually runs on user PC which implies low resources and limited collaborations (e.g. notebooks should be sent via e-mail or uploaded to an external repository).
The expected impact of this technology on Gamma Astronomy can be resumed as follows:
- Lowering barriers by hiding the complexity of the underlying digital research infrastructure simplifying access to best-practice tools, data and resources.
- Enabling collaboration and builds communities. This is achieved by sharing data and analyses among geographically dispersed research groups
- Leading to increased openness by sharing resources across multiple institutions.
- Lowering the costs of setting up and supporting the whole research infrastructure.
- Ensuring reproducible research
Thanks to the connection with the INAF CTA AAI, all the CTA Consortium members can access J4G. Furthermore, we are working to integrate J4G with the EduGAIN interfederation to allow also federated access to the service. Finally, J4G will be proposed as main service for the simulation work package of the Astri/CTA Data Challenge project and will be employed by the ASTRI and ASTRI mini-array communities. The main goal will be to produce level 3 data files (events and auxiliary data) in a format compliant with CTA requirements.
Contact Persons
- Alessandro Costa, INAF-OACT
- Eva Sciacca, INAF-OACT
- Fabio Vitello,INAF-OACT